1997/09至今 华体会体育·(中国)股份有限公司官网教授(2001/09遴选为博士生导师)
2020/6-2022/6,国家林业和草原局科技发展中心项目,Cry1Ac、Cry3A、BADH基因107 杨、转Cry1Ac、Cry3A、NTHK1基因107杨环境释放和生产性试验安全性监测,15万元,主持
2018/01-2020/12, 国家科技重大专项子课题,转抗虫基因杨树新品种培育,974万元,主持。
1.Xiaoyue Yu, Bin Lu, Yan Dong, Yongtan Li, Minsheng Yan(通讯作者). Cloning and functional identification of PeWRKY41 fromPopulus × euramericana. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022, 175: 114279
2.Shijie Wang, Junxia Liu, Yan Dong, Yongtan Li, Yali Huang, Minxia Ren, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jinmao Wang. Dynamic monitoring of the impact of insect-resistant transgenic poplar field stands on arthropod communities. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 505:119921
3.Yali Huang, Yan Dong, Yachao Ren, Shijie Wang, Yongtan Li, Kejiu Du, Xin Lin and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者).Niches and seasonal changes, rather than transgenic events, affect the microbial community ofPopulus×euramericana‘Neva’.Frontiers Microbiology, 2022, 12:805261
4.Kaiyu Yang· Jianghao Wu· Xinman Li· Xinbo Pang· Yangchen Yuan· Guohui Qi· Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Intraspecific leaf morphological variation in Quercus dentata Thunb.: a comparison of traditional and geometric morphometric methods, a pilot study.Journal of Forestry Research, 2022, doi.org/10.1007/s11676-022-01452-x
5.Yali Huang, Zhixian Zhen, Zhe Cui, Junxia Liu, Shijie Wang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jiahe Wu. Growth and arthropod community characteristics of transgenic poplar 741 in an experimental forest. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 162:113284
6.Xiaoyue Yu, Yu Pan, Yan Dong, Bin Lu, Chao Zhang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Lihui Zuo. Cloning and overexpression ofPeWRKY31fromPopulus × euramericanaenhances salt and biological tolerance in transgenicNicotiana. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21:80
7.Yongtan Li, Yan Dong, Yichao Liu, Xiaoyue Yu, Minsheng Yang (通讯作者), Yinran Huang. Comparative analyses of euonymus chloroplast genomes: Genetic structure, screening for loci with suitable polymorphism, positive selection genes, and phylogenetic relationships within Celastrineae.Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 11:593984
8.Xinghao Chen, Yan Dong, Yali Huang, Jianmin Fan, Minsheng Yang (通讯作者), Jun Zhang. Whole-genome resequencing using nextgeneration and Nanopore sequencing for molecular characterization of T-DNA integration in transgenic poplar 741. BMC Genomics, 2021, 22:329
9.Yachao Ren, Xinglu Zhou, Yan Dong, Jun Zhang, Jinmao Wang, Minsheng Yang (通讯作者). Exogenous gene expression and insect resistance in dual Bt toxinPopulus × euramericana‘Neva’ transgenic plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:660226
10.Xinghao Chen, Hanqi Liu, Shijie Wang, Chao Zhang, Lingyun Liu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jun Zhang. Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis provides insights into anthocyanin accumulation in the leaves of red‑leaved poplars. Plant Molecular Biology, 2021, 106: 491-503
11.Yongtan Li, Jun Zhang, Shijie Wang, Yiwen Zhang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). The distribution and origins ofPyrushopeiensis-“Wild plant with tiny population” using whole genome resequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:668796
12.Jie Yu, Li-Ren Xu, Chong Liu, Yong-Tan Li, Xin-Bo Pang, Zhao-Hua Liu, MinSheng Yang(通讯作者), Yan-Hui Li. Comparative analysis of the dust retention capacity and leaf microstructure of 11Sophora japonicaclones. Plos One, 2021,16(9): e0254627
13.Xiaoyue Yu, Jiujun Du, Yan Dong, Bin Lu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Cloning and salt tolerance analysis of thePnHB7transcription factor inPopulus nigraL. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 158:112943
14.Yachao Ren, Wenlin Zhang, Yali Huang, Yiwen Zhang, Jinmao Wang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Transcriptome analysis reveals thatPopulus tomentosahybrid poplar 741 responds to blue light treatment by regulating growth-related genes and their metabolic pathways. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 152:112512
15.Xinglu Zhou, Yan Dong, Qi Zhang, Dandan Xiao, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者)and Jinmao Wang. Expression of Multiple Exogenous Insect Resistance and Salt Tolerance Genes inPopulus nigraL. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11:1123
16.Lihui Zuo, Shunag Zhang, Jun Zhang, Yichao Liu, Xiaoyue Yu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jinmao Wang.Primer development and functional classification of EST-SSR markers inUlmusspecies. Tree Genetics & Genome, 2020, 16:74
17.Jianmin Fan, Yan Dong, Xiaoyue Yu, Lizhu Yao, Dongmei Li, Jinmao Wang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Assessment of environmental microbial effects of insect‑resistant transgenicPopulus×euramericanacv. ‘74/76’ based on high‑throughput sequencing. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2020,42:167
18.Lihui Zuo, Shuang Zhang, Yichao Liu, Yinran Huang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jinmao Wang. The Reason for Growth Inhibition ofUlmus pumila‘Jinye’: Lower Resistance and Abnormal Development of Chloroplasts Slow Down the Accumulation of Energy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20,4227; doi:10.3390/ijms20174227
19.Xiaoyue Yu, Lihui Zuo, Dandan Lua, Bin Lu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jinmao Wang. Comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes of five Robinia species: Genome comparative and evolution analysis. Gene, 2019, 689: 141-151
20.Yu Pan, Yan Dong, Ruixue Wang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Generation of a promising universal RNAi vector system to control plant pests. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019, 41:18, doi.org/10.1007/s11738-019-2810-4
21.Yongtan Li Jun Zhang, Longfei Li, Lijuan Gao, Jintao Xu and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Structural and comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome ofPyrus hopeiensis—“Wildplants with a tiny population”—and three otherPyrusspecies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2018, 19, 3262; doi:10.3390/ ijms19103262
22.Guiying Wang, Yan Dong, Xiaojie Liu, Guosheng Yao, Xiaoyue Yu and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). The current status and development of insect-resistant genetically engineered poplar in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:1048,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01408
23.Zuo Lihui, Yang Runlei, Zhen Zhixian, Liu Junxia, Huang Lisha, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). A 5-year field study showed no apparent effect of theBttransgenic 741 poplar on the arthropod community and soil bacterial diversity, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 1956,DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20322-3
24.Ren Yachao, Zhang Jun, Wang Guiying, Liu Xiaojie, Li Li, Wang Jinmao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). The Relationship between insect resistance and tree age of transgenic triploidPopulus tomentosaplants , Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:53, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00053
25.Panfei Chen, Lihui Zuo1, Xiaoyue Yu, Yan Dong, Shuang Zhang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Response mechanism inPopulus × euramericanacv. ‘74/76’ revealed by RNA-seq under salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40:96, doi.org/10.1007/s1173 8-018-2676-x