2006/09-2006/11, 德国洪堡大学,高级访问学者
2002/07-2002/12, 德国林木遗传育种研究所,高级访问学者
1998/10-1999/10, 德国林木遗传育种研究所及洪堡大学,访问学者
1997/09至今 华体会体育·(中国)股份有限公司官网教授(2001/09遴选为博士生导师)
1. Xiaoyue Yu, Lihui Zuo, Dandan Lua, Bin Lu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者), Jinmao Wang. Comparative analysis of chloroplast genomes of five Robinia species: Genome comparative and evolution analysis. Gene, 2019, 689: 141-151
2. Yu Pan, Yan Dong, Ruixue Wang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Generation of a promising universal RNAi vector system to control plant pests. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2019, 41:18, doi.org/10.1007/s11738-019-2810-4
3. Yongtan Li Jun Zhang, Longfei Li, Lijuan Gao, Jintao Xu and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Structural and comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome ofPyrus hopeiensis—“Wildplants with a tiny population”—and three otherPyrusspecies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2018, 19, 3262; doi:10.3390/ ijms19103262
4. Guiying Wang, Yan Dong, Xiaojie Liu, Guosheng Yao, Xiaoyue Yu and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). The current status and development of insect-resistant genetically engineered poplar in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:1048,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01408
5. Zuo Lihui, Yang Runlei, Zhen Zhixian, Liu Junxia, Huang Lisha, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). A 5-year field study showed no apparent effect of theBttransgenic 741 poplar on the arthropod community and soil bacterial diversity, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 1956,DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20322-3
6. Ren Yachao, Zhang Jun, Wang Guiying, Liu Xiaojie, Li Li, Wang Jinmao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). The Relationship between insect resistance and tree age of transgenic triploidPopulus tomentosaplants , Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:53, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00053
7. Panfei Chen, Lihui Zuo1, Xiaoyue Yu, Yan Dong, Shuang Zhang, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Response mechanism inPopulus × euramericanacv. ‘74/76’ revealed by RNA-seq under salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40:96, doi.org/10.1007/s1173 8-018-2676-x
8. Ren Yachao, Zhang Jun, Liang Haiyong, Wang Jinmao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). Inheritance and expression stability of exogenous genes in insect-resistant transgenic poplar. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2017, 130(3): 567-576
9. Zhang Shuang, Zuo Lihui, Zhang Jun, Chen Panfei, Wang Jinmao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). Transcriptome analysis ofUlmus pumila‘Jinye’ responses to different shading involved in chlorophyll metabolism. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11295-017-1139-7
10. Zuo Lihui , Shang Aiqin, Zhang Shuang, Yu Xiaoyue, Ren Yachao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者). The first complete chloroplast genome sequences ofUlmusspecies by de novo sequencing: Genome comparative and taxonomic position analysis. PLoS One, 2017.01.01,12(2): e0171264- e0171264
11. Dong Y, Ren YC, Zhang J, Qiu T, Cui HL, Yang MS (通讯作者). Construction of a new type of multi-gene plant transformation vector and genetic transformation of tobacco. Biologia Plantarum, 2017, 61(1): 13-23
12. Qiu Tong, Dong Yan, Ren Yachao, Wang Jinmao, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者), Zhang Jun. Effects of the sequence and orientation of an expression cassette in tobacco transformed by dual Bt genes. Plasmid, 2017, 89: 1-8
13. Lihui Zuo, Jun Zhang, Wenlin Zhang, Ruixue Wang and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Stepwise regression analysis of the correlation between leaf traits and SSR markers ofMalus sieversii. Pak. J. Bot., 2017, 49(6): 2255-2262
14. Shengliang Yuan, Yan Dong, Na Zhang, Yachao Ren, Minsheng Yang, Baojia Gao. Construction of high-effciency transformation vector with multiple insect- resistant genes and expression in tobacco. Acta Physiol Plant, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11738-016-2338-9
15. Liu Dongyan, Zhang Jun, Dong Yan, Zhang Xu, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者), Gao, Baojia. Genetic transformation and expression ofCry1Ac-Cry3A-NTHK1genes inPopulusíeuramericana"Neva'', Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38(7):1-11
16. Yiwen Zhang, Jun Zhang, Jinping Lan, Jinmao Wang, Junxia Liu, Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Temporal and spatial changes in Bt toxin expression in Bt-transgenic poplar and insect resistance in field tests. Journal of forestry research, 2016, 27(6): 1249-1256
17. RL Yang, AX Wang, J Zhang, Y Dong, MS Yang(通讯作者)and JM Wang. Genetic transformation and expression of transgenic lines ofPopulus x euramericanawith insect-resistance and salt-tolerance genes. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15(2): gmr.15028635
18. LN Xu, Y Dong, J Zhang, RX Wang, HM Liu, Q Yangand MS Yang(通讯作者).Effect of dual Bt-expression transformation vectors on transgene expression in tobacco. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016, 15(3): gmr.15038293
19. Dong Yan, Du Shasha, Zhang Jun, Yang Minsheng (通讯作者), Wang Jinmao. Differential expression of dual Bt genes in transgene poplar Juba (Populus deltoidescv. 'Juba') transformed by two different transformation vectors, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2015.1, 45(1): 60-67
20. Y Ren, Y Dong, J Zhang, T Qiu and M Yang (通讯作者). Genetic transformation and expression detection of tobacco by using a multi-gene plant transformation vector. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2015, 25(3 Suppl.1), 13-21
21. L Zuo, M Yang (通讯作者), J Zhang and H Liang. SSR primer select and analysis in Malus Mill genetic relationship research. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2015, 25(3 Suppl.1), 128-133
22. DJ Zhang, JX Liu, ZY Lu, CL Li, E Comadaand MS Yang (通讯作者).Impacts of transgenic poplar-cotton agro-ecosystems upon target pests and non-target insects under field conditions, Genet. Mol. Res., 2015, 14 (3): 8125-8136
23. DJ Zhang, ZY Lu, JX Liu, CL Li and MS Yang(通讯作者). Diversity of arthropod community in transgenic poplar-cotton ecosystems. Genet. Mol. Res., 2015, 14 (4): 15713-15729
24. Yuhan Sun, Yuyao Zhang, Cunquan Yuan, Qing Yang, Cui Long, Yun Li and Minsheng Yang(通讯作者). Assessment of genetic diversity and variation ofAcer monomaxseedlings after spaceflight. Pak. J. Bot., 2015, 47(1): 197-202
25. 杨敏生,谷俊涛,王进茂,张军等.刺槐资源评价及引种研究.中国林业出版社, 2017